The town of Kumakogen-cho is nestled amongst the mountains of Shikoku in central Ehime Prefecture, approximately 34 kilometers (21 miles) from the prefectural capital and urban center of Matsuyama. A highland town rich with forests, Kumakogen is home to the Shikoku Karst Prefectural Nature Park, which extends from east to west. Local water is the source of the Niyodogawa River which drains down into the Pacific Ocean, and the mountain town sits right on a watershed.
Kumakogen is a quiet community with plenty of forestland and mixed agricultural and residential areas. Each of its distinct seasons has unique characteristics, including relatively cool summer months and plenty of snowy scenery in the winter. The municipal government is currently undertaking efforts to develop the area as an agricultural tourism tourism and highland resort destination.
Kumakogen is located along National Route 33 when traveling from central Matsuyama toward Kochi.
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